Rountree to Attend Grammy Awards
09/02/11 22:14
David and his wife Rosie are set to attend the 2011 Grammy Awards in LosAngeles.

Buy the DVD
09/02/11 22:05
Staunton Hill [Blu-ray]
Directed by G. Cameron Romero
Starring Kathy Lamkin, David Rountree, Kiko Elisworth,
In Staunton Hill (review), it's the fall of 1969, and winds of change are blowing across America. But on a remote family farm in the hills of Virginia, a storm of evil has been brewing for years. Now for a group of young people hitchhiking to a rally in Washington DC, a detour to the nightmare homestead of the Stauntons will rip apart their young lives forever. A grisly secret is waiting. The raw terror is growing. And the clan’s brutal harvest is about to begin. Watch the trailer.
Buy the Blu-ray DVD.

Starring Kathy Lamkin, David Rountree, Kiko Elisworth,
In Staunton Hill (review), it's the fall of 1969, and winds of change are blowing across America. But on a remote family farm in the hills of Virginia, a storm of evil has been brewing for years. Now for a group of young people hitchhiking to a rally in Washington DC, a detour to the nightmare homestead of the Stauntons will rip apart their young lives forever. A grisly secret is waiting. The raw terror is growing. And the clan’s brutal harvest is about to begin. Watch the trailer.
Buy the Blu-ray DVD.

Rountree to produce "Light Green Leaves" Film
09/02/11 22:01
David Rountree has signed on to produce the 30 minute film “Light Green Leaves,” which will be directed by Greg Caruso. The film will be Caruso’s directorial debut and scheduled to begin filming in late February. Stay tuned for more details.
Rountree Directs Netflix Commercial
09/02/11 22:00
David Rountree has been attached to direct a commercial for Netflix. Stay tuned for more details.

Film Reviewed
08/02/11 22:09
Staunton Hill (2009) Movie Review
24 October 2009 8:04 AM, PDT | Beyond Hollywood | See recent Beyond Hollywood news »
As his father continues to attempt to rejuvenate his seemingly never-ending “Dead” series, Cameron Romero follows up his debut “The Screening” with another slice of familiar horror in “Staunton Hill”. Although this may sound a little cynical, the film really is pretty basic stuff, being a by the numbers “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” knock off, with youngsters being chased and killed by psychotic rednecks in the rural backwoods. Still, Romero shows himself to be a better director than most, and the film benefits from a decent cast of half recognisable faces, if not names, including David Rountree (“XXX: State of the Union”, and who also scripted), Kiko Ellsworth (from the television series “Heroes” and “Dexter”) and Charlie Bodin (briefly in “Transformers”). The plot is familiar to say the least, set in Virginia in the autumn of 1969 and following five student types who are hitchhiking their way across country to the political rallies taking place in Washington. »
- James Mudge
See full article at Beyond Hollywood »
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Rountree Directs Sauza Tequila Commercial
03/02/11 06:51
Psycho Rock Productions teamed up with Ugly Joe Productions for a Sprite Commercial Campaign entitled “Brutal Honesty.” Rountree directed the spot, intended for use in the Latin American Market. Stay tuned to see the commercial.